Jason Kozma personal training: smpersonaltraining.com, lapersonaltraining.com, jasonkozma.com, lapersonaltrainer.com, www.personaltrainer1.com, gethuge.net/now, joekozma.com
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Plie' leg press

Place the feet wide with the toes pointed away from each other.  Push your knees apart from each other as you lower the sled, keeping the knees traveling at the same angle as the feet. Dancers would call this foot placement second position. Squeeze the glutes at the top of each repetition.  Press on your heels, not your toes. This focuses on the gluteals and removes emphasis from the quadriceps.

Home Exercise index - Chest - Shoulders - Rotator cuff - Back - Trapezius - Biceps - Triceps - Abdominals - Quadriceps - Hamstrings - Gluteals - Calves - Stretches - Cardiovascular - Foam Roll