Jason Kozma personal training: smpersonaltraining.com, lapersonaltraining.com, jasonkozma.com, lapersonaltrainer.com, www.personaltrainer1.com, gethuge.net/now, joekozma.com
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Machine flyes


This exercise is a machine version of flat flyes.  Hold the handles at the same level as your mid-chest.  Keep your chest up and your shoulders pinched down and back.

 * This can also be used for the upper pecs by holding the top handles.  Shorten your range of motion on this one to keep the pressure on your upper chest.

Home Exercise index - Chest - Shoulders - Rotator cuff - Back - Trapezius - Biceps - Triceps - Abdominals - Quadriceps - Hamstrings - Gluteals - Calves - Stretches - Cardiovascular - Foam Roll