Jason Kozma personal training: smpersonaltraining.com, lapersonaltraining.com, jasonkozma.com, lapersonaltrainer.com, www.personaltrainer1.com, gethuge.net/now, joekozma.com
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Incline flyes

Advanced version:  Holding the dumbbells in a horizontal (bar) grip, keep the dumbbells at the line of the collar bone.  Stretch outwards while arching your back, keeping your chest up and your scapula pinched down and back.  Bring the dumbbells back up over the face, keeping the pressure on the upper pectorals.  Note: this version is considerably harder than standard incline flyes.  Do not attempt to use extremely heavy weight on this exercise.


Standard version: Holding the dumbbells in a parallel grip, keep the dumbbells at the line of the collar bone.  Flye the weight up over the face and bring the dumbbells together, keeping the pressure on the upper pectorals.

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