Jason Kozma personal training: smpersonaltraining.com, lapersonaltraining.com, jasonkozma.com, lapersonaltrainer.com, www.personaltrainer1.com, gethuge.net/now, joekozma.com
Home Exercise index  Chest  Shoulders  Rotator cuff  Back  Trapezius  Biceps  Triceps  Abdominals  Quadriceps  Hamstrings  Gluteals  Calves  Stretches  Cardiovascular  Foam Roll


Also called the "outie" machine.  Sit down and push the legs out as far as you can, pressing outwards against the thigh pads.  Keep a smooth, rapid, controlled tempo.

Home Exercise index - Chest - Shoulders - Rotator cuff - Back - Trapezius - Biceps - Triceps - Abdominals - Quadriceps - Hamstrings - Gluteals - Calves - Stretches - Cardiovascular - Foam Roll